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Writer's pictureErin Clark

How To Write a Book Review

Updated: Oct 6, 2020

Reviews are very helpful to writers. Especially us independent types. It’s good for our feelings and good for our sales. We love to write for you, but it can be hard to reach readers when we don’t know who they are yet. Which is where you and your reviews come in.

My friend Katie pointed out to me, that not everyone likes to write all their feelings down all the time like I do and it would be helpful to give some pointers on how to write a review.

"Pointers?" I scrunched my face up at her over Face time.

"You know, a few steps to writing a good review!"

"Is one of the steps, write your feelings down all of the time?"

Katie is a teacher, incredible with little monsters, (that includes me and all 5 year olds). Helpful steps to accomplish things is her magic. So she typed up this tutorial.

I made digital collages with selfies I took to emphasize the points. That is my magic.

Please enjoy this slideshow by me and Katie. Photos styled by me for my fairy garden book launch and shot by Misha Bower.

Here is a handy way to write a book review that doesn't take a lot of time.

You can even use bullet points!

- State your overall impression of the book

- If you liked it, list 2-3 specific things you liked about it

- If you didn't, same same

- End with why other people should buy this book- Will it relate to them? Is it good for a book club? Will this help them find clarity in their life like you did yours? Etc.

- Bonus- Include emoji for how it made you feel

Katie Rebich

Co-Artistic Director, StoryUp! Aerial Theater

Thank you to those who have reviewed my book, and to those who review any of the books they read. Books are whole worlds. they are the bearers of possibility. The keepers of ourselves when we forget, or don’t know yet. In these pandemic days when we are so shrunk down, books still have the ability to infinitely expand our lives without risking viral exposure!

If You Really Love Me, Throw Me Off the Mountain is available wherever you buy books online.

If you'd like to leave a Goodreads review, you can do that here.

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