Entrevistas y Documentales y Publicaciones
Erin Clark's book If You Really Love Me, Throw Me Off the Mountain (EyeCorner Press) is recommended by the NYTimes in this article showcasing a wide range of books, films, television and dance representing artists from the disability community
To celebrate the upcoming release of “Last Call,” a story about an actress who has a steamy threesome with her friend and a cute bartender, we interviewed our muse for the story—sex icon, Erin Clark.
Free Her Spirit Podcast
An excellent conversation with Christine Petty of Free Her Spirit about bossing the narrative, risk and desire and adaptability. A transcript is available.
"Erin Clark is an unstoppable force. She is fierce in a way that forces people to notice, unapologetic in claiming her space in the world. She is a brilliant writer and a World Champion pole athlete. She’s paraglided in Spain and skied down mountains in Canada. She also happens to use a wheelchair."
A mini documentary about paragliding.
producer Leo Yeung captures the friendship and magic between me and my paragliding instructors in this mini documentary called Make Magic Happen
2018 International Pole Sport World Championships
Gold medal routine at the 2018 World Pole Sport Championships in Tarragona, and set the world record for wheelchair parapole with 39.8 points
Feature interview in The Daily Net
Read Here
Interview with the Indian press goes live while I am in India. 4 pages of photos and my un-cut answers to questions about marriage, writing, sex appeal and pole dancing.
Feature on body positive athletes for bodypositivity.com
“My disability doesn’t undermine my athleticism, it is my athleticism.” She tells bodypositivity.com. “I compete with my disability, it’s the key part of what I do.”
As an adaptive athlete, Erin has to figure out how to perform standard pole moves in the way that her body allows her. She explains that as an adaptive athlete there is nothing to ‘overcome’, her physical limitations will always exist. It’s what she does with her abilities that makes her such a skilled athlete.
Featured in Spin Magazine
“You’d be forgiven for thinking that being a pole sport para athlete is enough fascination for one person, but there you’d be wrong.”
Mini Documentary for Barcroft TV
Barcroft Media sent a videographer to Vilaseca to film me going about my day and training for the World Pole Sport Competitions in July, 2017. I love to be followed around by cameras and I love it even more when good producers tell good stories.
Naja's Wonder Woman Series
I was interviewed by Naja, an eco-conscious, fair trade lingerie company.
Published on Wheelchairtravel.org
A guest post about the time I hiked 800m above sea level to do aerial rope in Rodellar.
Published in Brevity: 4732 Millas de Distancia
A short piece published in Brevity's blog about a unique part of her process in writing Love All The Way.